June is the final preparation and is not so much about training as it is about recovery. Recovery, mental and logistic preparation are the key issues for the 16 days of June – Get that right and you will have a great day on Sunday 17 June.

Initially you may feel quite heavy legged and tired as your body goes into hibernation after the peak period of training, but during the second week your legs should come back and the quality work should start to feel easier – fast fluent legs.

There are no long runs, but easy medium runs, Don’t be tempted to test yourself in these runs – just make them easy enough to get the recovery from the blood circulation of the run.

The final week is virtually for piece of mind and only totals 20-30km, but then there’s a small matter of a 89km run on the Sunday to make up the equivalent of peak week. The quality sessions towards the early part of the final week will assist with carbo-depletion and the extra rest towards the end of the week assist with carbo-loading.

A key factor is the need to have a training session the day before the race, to awaken your body after a day of rest, this will prepare you for the race the following day.

With all your training completed and a period of recovery you will take the starting line on the 17 June ready for the race _ BUT you can blow it all – in one swift move, by running too fast early on – Your Comrades potential can be lost by the time you get to Washington Road. Correct pacing is essential so click onto the Time predictor on the comrades site www.comrades.com or link using www.coachnorrie.co.za/comrades  – You will find an explanation of the calculation and suggested pacing regime which will take you through to your Comrades Medal.

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