The Pharmaton Marathon will be held on Sunday 11 March starting from 06:00. There are 42km, 21km and 10km distances and this event can be used as a Comrades Marathon Qualifier and the shorter events are a great final tune for the Two Oceans on 31 March.

To assist you in pacing to the seeding times (sun 3:00, 3:20, 3:40, 4:00, 4:20, 4:40, and sub 5:00) coachnorrie has provided accurate charts that take into account the hills and downs of the course.

Similar charts are available for the 21km and 10km distances.

Record Field Get there early – PLAN
This year will see yet another RECORD FIELD, so plan your way to the start from your side of the City:
It is best to look at the whole variety of routes that are possible to get to the start.

Road Closure:
There is limited parking in Linksfield road so give consideration to where you are aiming for and LINKSFIELD ROAD WILL BE CLOSED BETWEEN THE DUNVAGEN (INCLUDING DUNVEGAN) AND 1ST AVENUE JUNCTION….
This is to allow the runners to line up at the start. There will be no entry to the start from the 1st Avenue top end: If you are coming from that side you can walk through the school to enter from behind.

The following diagrams give some idea of routes and highlight areas where runners are requested NOT TO PARK: –
These are areas on the Race Route: Parking in these areas will make the running in these streets difficult and make your progression in the race more difficultly

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